Junction of Function
Summer Camp Offering
for 2022
Keyboarding & Learning Without Tears
(Print and Cursive)

Junction of Function offers a great learning experience for home schooled children. Kelly Wilk-Downs, is a licensed pediatric Occupational Therapist who developed the award winning “Shoe Tying Made Simple” program. This teaching method has an incredible success rate and is proven to work with children of all learning styles and learning capabilities. Junction of Function offers an online course for Parents or Live Virtual sessions to learn this Shoe tying method. Contact Kelly@junctionoffunction.com to register. You may also visit us on our website at www.junctionoffunction.com.
Prepare Children for the Upcoming School Year by Increasing Independence
The purpose of this parent training is to teach young children to tie their shoes! The material is presented in a fun, easy to understand format and includes a teaching sneaker and bicolored shoelaces. You will have access to our teaching song and FREE parent handouts. We will review some play-based manipulatives to prepare “little hands” for learning this skill. Give your children something purposeful to work on over the summer months that is meaningful to them and boosts their independence.Description and Objectives:
This is a Virtual, self-paced one hour course. In this parent training we will provide examples, videos, and active demonstration showing how easy it is to teach shoe tying using a multisensory approach to the task. This course is intended for families with children ranging from four – six years of age or families with children with special needs.- Understand the importance of hands-on learning to promote developmental readiness
- Learn how to include music, strengthening activities, tips to decipher R/L hand dominance
- Learn how to present the information to various learning styles
- Help the child develop confidence and independence with self-care skills
Learning Without Tears
Pre-K through Cursive/Keyboarding Instruction available using the Keyboarding Without Tears and Learning Without Tears Program.
This 4-6 week program is designed to serve rising kindergarten students who have been identified as having dyslexia or other language-based learning disabilities, or being “at risk” for learning problems. Parents should be able to provide copies of any evaluations of their student and may be asked to have their children participate in a virtual screening.
Through multi-sensory experiences and instruction, children begin to develop the skills, concepts, and strategies that are foundational to academic success. Areas of instruction include basic concepts, listening comprehension skills and strategies, phonological awareness, print concepts, and number concepts. The Bright Beginnings program continues to emphasize language, motor development, and social skills throughout the curriculum.
Students will experience success and learn to enjoy a school setting in the fun and relaxed environment of the summer virtual programs. Singing, utilizing the computer and technology, listening to stories, playing, and participation all provide valuable avenues for learning.

Online Cursive Camps
Our online cursive camps are designed to help children learn cursive and put their writing to use in fun-filled functional activities. We’ve been hearing from parents that their students haven’t been writing much with online learning. Let our Handwriting Without Tears Specialists help fill the handwriting gap!
Did you know that writing in cursive activates a different part of the brain than when we write in print? Cursive forces a writer to think of words as wholes instead of parts. The motor movement of cursive is also shown to improve the retention of new information.
Our online cursive camps will:
- Teach your child the proper formation and connection of letters using the Handwriting Without Tears multi-sensory curriculum
- Help students develop the proper mechanics of writing- paper placement, grip, use of their “helper hand,” and sitting posture
- Use gross and fine motor activities to “wake-up” our bodies, improve fine motor skills, and get our minds ready to write
- Improve creativity and critical thinking skills through art and story writing
- Build automaticity through functional writing tasks like writing letters and addressing envelopes, writing phone messages, and taking notes.
Lower-Case Cursive Camps
Focus on teaching the proper formation and connection of lower-case letters and will focus on word writing.
Upper-Case Cursive Camps
Focus on teaching the proper formation of upper-case letters and functional writing tasks and story writing to build fluidity and automatically.
Online Cursive Camp
Monday – Friday
Times – TBD
Lower Case Camp:
Call for scheduling options.
Upper Case Camp:
Call for scheduling options.
$200 for one week or $350 for two weeks-
(2 sessions per week)
Before and After Cursive Samples

Occupational Therapy Services
Individual and Group Therapy Sessions Virtually
The focus will be on a variety of occupational therapy (OT) needs including fine motor, handwriting, shoe tying, sensory processing, motor coordination, sand visual perception.
Duration: 5 weeks with a minimum of five 45-60 minute therapy sessions
Dates: June 6 -July 8
Pricing: $125/hour – individual session rate $100/hour – group session rate
Back-To-School OT Boot Camp
Camps for rising Kindergarten-rising 2nd graders/students ages 5-7 with mild to moderate OT needs
The Back-to-School OT Boot Camps are designed for children with mild to moderate OT needs and will be led by a licensed occupational therapist. The focus will be on preparing students for a successful start to their school year by establishing and consolidating all aspects of shoe tying and handwriting readiness in a fun, multi-sensory, and play-based environment, while providing opportunities to practice routines and develop organizational skills. This camp will be offered throughout the summer. Campers will review and consolidate good handwriting habits to ensure they are well prepared for handwriting demands as they transition into a new school year. Readiness skills will be addressed based on a child’s level, and will include letter formation, accuracy on lines, pencil grasp and control, and consistent application of those skills when writing words and sentences. Camp activities will include sports and a daily recreational adventure. These will tie into writing and drawing tasks, while addressing foundational postural-motor, coordination, and self-regulation goals. Manipulative fine-motor tasks and visual-perceptual games will also strengthen foundational skills for handwriting.
Monday through Friday from 1:00-2:30 p.m. each day. Local Option-Naples, Florida or Virtual
Week 1: August 1-5
Pricing: $500/ per participant per week
Week 2: August 8-12
Pricing: $500/per participant per week
A $120 non-refundable deposit due at time of application*. This deposit is applied to your specialized OT camp fee. This deposit is required for all kids, including families using the Family Empowerment Scholarship for funding. Additional Evaluation fees may be required.
Please be sure to review this Summer Camp Cancellation Policy prior to registration.
Payment Methods: Junction of Function occupational therapy is a fee-for-service provider. We accept private pay, flexible spending accounts, and are a direct provider for the Family Empowerment Scholarship. We will NOT be providing paid-in-full Superbills for this summer OT specialized camp. We do not work directly with your insurance company. You may also be eligible for a Case Grant through First Hand to help with therapy service fees. Good Faith Estimates are available upon request and will be provided to all clients prior to their first session. The non-refundable deposit is required for all kids, including families using the Family Empowerment Scholarship for funding. *If the deposit is a financial hardship for your family, please contact us to make alternative arrangements to secure your spot.
Do you have questions?
Read the FAQs below or send a message to Kelly@junctionoffunction.com schedule a free 15-minute phone call to see if this OT specialized camp is a good fit for your child!
What methods of payment do you accept?
PayPal, Check, Credit Cards +3% transaction fee, Flexible Spending Accounts, and the Family Empowerment Scholarship.
Call today to schedule your slot, ask questions, etc. (239) 777-4009