
- We will send you a Blue and Yellow Teaching Sneaker two weeks prior to the “Shoe Tying Made Simple” course. Shipping and Handling are included.
- Also included are the “Data Collection” for Teachers and “Parent Homework” for “Shoe Tying Made Simple” to work together with families.
- Review of whole classroom and individual instruction strategies.
- Forward/Backward Chaining, TEACCH-Structured Teaching Strategies, and Scaffolding suggestions
Coming Soon!
**New** -Teacher training for “Shoe Tying Made Simple”.
Great beginning of the school year activity, start the school year off on the right foot!
Boost young children’s fine motor skills, with fun, hands-on activities using our teaching sneakers as lacing cards, fine motor games and activities, rhymes and songs and free give-a-ways are included with your teacher registration!
Recruiting Pre-K and Kindergarten Teachers for “Shoe Tying Made Simple” Instruction!
The purpose of this teacher training is to teach young children to tie their shoes! The material is presented in a fun, easy to understand format and includes a teaching sneaker and bicolored shoelaces. You will have access to our teaching song and all of our FREE teacher materials. We will review some play-based manipulatives to prepare “little hands” for learning this skill. Help boost your student’s independence and invite parents into the classroom to help out with the instruction!
Description and Objectives
- Understand the importance of hands-on learning to promote developmental readiness
- Learn how to include music, strengthening activities, tips to decipher R/L hand dominance
- Learn how to present the information to various learning styles
- Help the child develop confidence and independence with self-care skills
Pre-register Now!
Cost $100 | 1 hour
“Shoe Tying Made Simple” is hosting a one-hour virtual course that is simple, fun and engaging. This educational course uses fun, child-friendly manipulatives and a strong emphasis on multisensory instruction. This course will prepare the learner to engage and instruct children on the shoe tying method using a primarily task-analyzed approach and while appealing to every learning style.
This innovative course combats the biggest obstacles when it comes to teaching this simple life skill. And these include:
- Lace length problems (one being that the laces are too short for teaching purposes)
- Wrong texture/flimsy lace management (laces won’t hold still while making the initial loop)
- Lace confusion because there is no discrimination in color that coordinates with the steps in the process
The teaching sneaker is over-sized on purpose so there is a larger-than-life manipulative that doesn’t move around. This tool grabs the learner’s attention. The method is task analyzed support which incorporates scaffolding, forward and backward chaining and structured teaching.
This virtual course “Shoe Tying Made Simple” uses patented bi-colored laces which half the length is a lighter color and the other half a darker color in a 50-50 blend example (pink/white) and an 18-inch “over-sized” big teaching shoe. You will encounter plenty of fun, play based hands-on activities will surely keep the learner engaged.
Upon completion of the course, you will gain multisensory teaching materials that are essential in instructing your students in shoe tying. You will leave knowing you have a “toolkit” full of strategies for those who have differing learning styles. You will be able to easily decipher the level of support your students require and how to appeal to their unique learning style.

This virtual course involves research-based instructional strategies that have proven to be effective over many years with all children. You will learn how to assess a child’s particular developmental readiness and desire to learn this skill through assessing twelve foundational performance skills that need to be present in order for the child to be successful. Also, included you will find a hand dominance screening tool.
You will learn how to “mark the laces” and when to introduce the “Tie My Shoe” song or rhyming verse. You will learn why the bicolored teaching shoelaces are so special and why they greatly contribute to the success of the learner. There is a data collection worksheet and individual parent worksheets that you can share with your families to increase independence and generalization of this skill within the home setting.
This is a virtual, instructor-led continuing education course. You will need to have uninterrupted access to the internet, while attending the course on your own personal laptop or desktop computer.
The purpose of the course is to provide early education educators with a task-analyzed and multisensory method of teaching shoe tying. The skills acquired after completion of this course include being able to:
- Discuss developmental appropriateness and ways to decipher when a child is ready to learn to tie their shoes.
- Demonstrate pre-readiness skills that are required in preparation for shoe tying.
- Explain task analysis, forward and backward chaining, scaffolding, and multisensory methods while adapting the required teaching strategies for shoe tying based upon the specific audience.
- Understand how to organically appeal to all learning styles whether or not the child is typically developing or the child has special leaning requirements.
- Demonstrate and implement instruction on the Right-Handed, Left-Handed, and One-Handed shoe tying methods.
- Determine strategies for individual and whole class instruction
Introductory Rate and Coupon Code is available for larger groups
We are happy to offer a discount for your group!
Email your list of participants in order to obtain a coupon code.
- 4 participants - 10% off
- 8+ participants - 15% off
- 12+ participants - 25% off
- 50+ participants - please inquire
Pre-Recorded Thinkific Course Available 24/7 in a Self-Paced Format
(It is HIGHLY recommended that you test your device prior to joining the workshop.)
- Log in to the Thinkific link at least 15 minutes prior to start time to test the workshop link and your audio connection.
“Shoe Tying Made Simple” Complete Agenda
- Length of Course: 1 Hour
- The price of the course is $100.00 dollars and includes FREE PRODUCTS, some of which will be shipped to your home prior to the beginning of the course
Please note: You must register two weeks prior to the course to ensure delivery before the workshop. The materials will be shipped directly to you. We cannot ship to PO Boxes. If you are an international registrant (outside US and Canada), please reach out to us at kelly@junctionoffunction.com to review your options as additional shipping rates will apply.
Free Materials
Materials subject to change without notice.
- Shoe Tying Made Simple Teaching Sneaker with Free instructional card on the back on the package.
- Free access to the “Tie My Shoe” teaching song at www.junctionoffunction.com
- Free access to the Left-Handed Teaching Instructional packet with “Color Corner” for your student to color in their own
- Access to the Congratulatory award
- Access to Shoe Tying Made Simple Task Analyzed Visuals
- Access to the One-Handed Shoe Tying Method
- Access to Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal and Criss-Cross Lacing Sequences
- Access to Instructional Brochure on how to teach Shoe Tying on the Leg
- Access to the Shoe Tying Made Simple Instructional Posters
- Access to Laterality Screener for Right/ Left Dominance ad Ambidexterity
- Access to data Collection for Shoe Tying Made Simple- great for Teachers who has shoe tying as a goal on the IEP
- Access to Parent Homework Worksheets
- Access to lacing sequence handouts
Our goal is to make learning and teaching functional tasks easy and fun where the hard work is already done for you so you as the teacher can be successful instructing to students at all levels. Our exceptional products, courses, and resources are what guide you to providing outstanding instruction to children. Our programs are easy for educators to use.